Meredith is a continuity girl. Her job is to make sure that the details in every scene on a film shoot are consistent. She is the error catcher. The needle-in-the-haystack finder. A cigarette in the left hand when it should be in the right, a prematurely melted ice cube in a half-empty glass of Scotch, a stray lock of an actor's hair—these are the details by which she measures out her life.
She's perfect at it—until she wakes up on the morning of her 35th birthday yearning for a baby, and her personal sense of continuity is plunged into chaos. Meredith's quest to become pregnant on her own terms leads her across the Atlantic, where she discovers a web of secrets that changes the way she sees both her working life and the nature of love.
One of Canada's most provocative young writers, Leah McLaren is best known for her popular column in The Globe and Mail's Style section. The Continuity Girl is her bestselling debut novel, a hilarious and fiercely honest take on the complexity of life and love for the modern professional woman.