It's Valentine's night and Lora Weaver is dining in a romantic hideaway, peering over her menu at another woman's husband.
The man is tall, dark, and handsome. And sitting three tables away playing footsie with a redhead ten years his junior. Lora's job as a PI in training is to report back to the man's wife about said goings on.
A routine case, her French boss and faux date for the evening Laurent assures her.
Or so it seems until Lora finds herself tripping over a body, dodging a sharpshooter, and shivering in a deep freeze.
None of which pleases Lora's own tall, dark, and handsome man, her boyfriend Adam, whose romantic soirée plans for the two of them are hindered while Lora tries to convince ex-cop and ex-hockey hunk Laurent and co-boss and sassy best friend Camille Caron that what's going on at the Valentine villa is anything but routine.
Not an easy task. But Lora's determined to unravel the mystery, save the reputation of the most romantic day of the year, and prove that her pursuit of a vie en rose in La Belle Province is more than just a fairy tale.
The Lost Love Liaison mini-caper follows The Pas de Deux Lora Weaver Mystery and is best enjoyed with a small box of bonbons or a few squares of chocolat noir;)